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API and Services

Systemd timers

Some backend components like the API and Fastpath run as daemons. Many other run as Systemd timers at various intervals.

The latter approach ensures that a component will start again at the next time interval even if the previous run crashed out. This provides a moderate reliability benefit at the expense of having to perform initialization and shutdown at every run.

To show the existing timers and their next start time run:

Terminal window
systemctl list-timers

Summary of timers

Here is a summary of the most important timers used in the backend:

dehydrated.timer dehydrated.service
detector.timer detector.service
ooni-api-uploader.timer ooni-api-uploader.service
ooni-db-backup.timer ooni-db-backup.service
ooni-download-geoip.timer ooni-download-geoip.service
ooni-rotation.timer ooni-rotation.service
ooni-update-asn-metadata.timer ooni-update-asn-metadata.service
ooni-update-citizenlab.timer ooni-update-citizenlab.service
ooni-update-fingerprints.timer ooni-update-fingerprints.service

Ooni-developed timers have a matching unit file with .service extension.

To show the existing timers and their next start time run:

Terminal window
systemctl list-timers

This can be useful for debugging.

Dehydrated timer

Runs the Dehydrated ACME tool, see Dehydratedβ€‰βš™

is a simple script that provides ACME support for Letsencrypt. It’s integrated with Nginx or HaProxy with custom configuration or a small script as β€œglue”.


Detector timer

Runs the social media blocking event detectorβ€‰βš™. It is installed by the detector packageβ€‰πŸ“¦.

ooni-api-uploader timer

Runs the Measurement uploaderβ€‰βš™. It is installed by the analysis packageβ€‰πŸ“¦. Runs /usr/bin/


ooni-db-backup timer

Runs the Database backup toolβ€‰βš™ as /usr/bin/ooni-db-backup Also installed by the analysis packageβ€‰πŸ“¦.


ooni-download-geoip timer

Fetches GeoIP databases, installed by the ooni-apiβ€‰βš™. Runs /usr/bin/

Monitored with the GeoIP dashboardβ€‰πŸ“Š

See GeoIP downloaderβ€‰βš™


ooni-rotation timer

Runs the test helper rotation script, installed by the analysis packageβ€‰πŸ“¦. Runs /usr/bin/rotation


ooni-update-asn-metadata timer

Fetches ASNβ€‰πŸ’‘ metadata, installed by the analysis packageβ€‰πŸ“¦. Runs /usr/bin/analysis --update-asnmeta



Fetches CitizenLab data from GitHub, installed by the analysis packageβ€‰πŸ“¦. Runs /usr/bin/analysis --update-citizenlab



Fetches fingerprints from GitHub, installed by the analysis packageβ€‰πŸ“¦. Runs /usr/bin/analysis --update-fingerprints


Nettest names

Nettest specifications are kept at

Web connectivity test

Nettest for HTTP/HTTPS connectivity named web_connectivity. See

Signal test

Nettest for Signal Private Messenger named signal See


The API provides entry points used by the probes, Explorer Test List Editorβ€‰πŸ–± and other UIs, and researchers.

Entry points under /api/v1/ are meant for public consumption and versioned. Those under /api/_/ are for internal use.

The API is versioned. Access is rate limited based on source IP address and access tokens. See Rate limiting and quotasβ€‰πŸ for details.

due to the computational cost of running heavy queries on the database. The API entry points are documented at apidocs using flasgger. A swagger JSON specification is published at

The file is also tracked at It is checked for consistency by CI in the API end-to-end testβ€‰πŸ’‘, see

To regenerate the spec file when implementing changes to the API use:

Before diving into the API codebase it’s worth glancing at commonly used functions:

URL parameter parsing utilities at

Caching functions cachedjson and nocachejson at

Various database access functions query_click, insert_click at

API routes are mounted at:

Functions related to initialization of the service and configurating rate limiting:

note Caching can be a source of bugs: enabling or disabling it explicitly in the codebase (instead of relying on defaults in Nginx/HaProxy) improves readability.

important Various queries are designed to support active/standby or active/active database setups. See Overall designβ€‰πŸ’‘ for details.

API cache

The API uses cacheing functions provided by Nginxβ€‰βš™.

Caching functions cachedjson and nocachejson are defined at


Autonomous System Number, described at It is stored as probe_asn in measurements, and as probe_asn column in the fastpath table ⛁. Used as a search term in Searching for measurements and Aggregation and MATβ€‰πŸ

The lookup system in the API is updated by the ASN metadata updaterβ€‰βš™. See ASN metadata updater dashboardβ€‰πŸ“Š and ooni-update-asn-metadata timer.


The API and implements geolocation in order to identify the ASNβ€‰πŸ’‘


This module implements browser authentication and user accounts. See Probe servicesβ€‰πŸ for probe authentication.

It is designed to fit the following requirements:

  • Never store users email address centrally nor IP addresses nor passwords

  • Verify email to limit spambots. Do not use CAPCHAs or other 3rd party services

  • Support multiple sessions and multiple devices, ability to register multiple times

  • Do not leak the existence of absence of accounts for a given email address


The API als provides entry points to:

Browsers sessions can be expunged to require users to log in again. This can be used if an account role needs to be downgraded or terminated urgently.

important Account IDs are not the same across test and production instances.

This is due to the use of a configuration variable ACCOUNT_ID_HASHING_KEY in the hashing of the email address. The parameter is read from the API configuration file. The values are different across deployment stages as a security feature.

Also see Creating admin API accountsβ€‰πŸ“’ for more details.



This module primarily provides entry points to access measurements, typically used by Explorer and sometimes directly by users.

Mounted under /api/v1/measurement/


Searching for measurements

The entry point provides measurement searching and listing.

It is primarily used by

Getting measurement bodies

Various API entry points allow accessing measurement bodies. Typically the lookup is done by measurement_uid:

For legacy reasons measurements can also be accessed by report_id + input instead of measurement_uid

important Accessing measurements by report_id + input does not guarantee uniqueness.

The lookup process can access measurement bodies from multiple locations. The lookup is performed in different order for different measurements based on the likelihood of success:

  • Scan the local spool directory /var/lib/ooniapi/measurements/incoming/ for fresh measurements

  • Scan other API hosts (if any) for fresh measurements. This is required to support active/active backend deployments.

  • Lookup the measurement data in jsonl table ⛁ and then fetch the required JSONL filesβ€‰πŸ’‘ from S3 data bucketβ€‰πŸ’‘ and extract the content.

Performance considerations

Fetching data from the S3 data bucketβ€‰πŸ’‘ bucket can be resource-intensive. However:

  • Very recent measurements are likely to be found in the local on-disk queue instead of having to fetch them from S3. See Measurement uploaderβ€‰βš™ for details.

  • Frequently accessed measurements benefit from the API cacheβ€‰πŸ’‘.

  • Measurement bodies are rarely accessed. The overall amount of measurements is too large for users to explore a significant fraction through the web UIs.

Possible improvements are:

Measurement feedback

This part of the API is used to collect and serve user feedback on measurements. It uses msmt_feedback table ⛁ and provides:

All users can access feedbacks but only authenticated ones can submit their feedbacks.

Users can submit only one feedback for each measurement. When the submission entry point is called a second time for the same measurements the previous feedback is overwritten using database row deduplication.

Valid feedback statuses are:



Aggregation and MAT

The aggregation API leverages the OLAP features of ClickHouseβ€‰βš™ to provide summaries and statistics on measurements. It is primarily used by the MAT. It can also be used to implement other statistics in Explorer or accessed directly by researchers to extract data.

Aggregation entry point


important Caching of this entry point should be implemented carefully as new measurements are constantly being inserted and old measurements might be occasionally reprocessed.

Also see Aggregation cache monitoringβ€‰πŸ and Investigating heavy aggregation queries runbookβ€‰πŸ“’.

Probe services

This part of the API is implemented in the module. It provides entry points that are meant to be used exclusively by probes.



This entry point is the preferred way for probes to:

  • Geo-resolve their IP address to ASNβ€‰πŸ’‘ and network name. See

  • Receive a list of URLs for Web connectivity test Ⓣ

  • Receive a list of test helpers

  • Set flags to implement incremental rollouts and A/B testing new features


Test lists are prioritized based on the country code and ASNβ€‰πŸ’‘ of the probes, as well as flags indicating if the probe is connected to WiFi and the battery is being charged.

Tor targets

Tor targets are served: at path /api/v1/test-list/tor-targets. See

They are read from a configuration file. The path is set in the main configuration file under TOR_TARGETS_CONFFILE. It usually is /etc/ooni/tor_targets.json.

To make changes in the Tor targets see the runbook Updating tor targetsβ€‰πŸ“’

Test helpers list

This entry point provides a list of test helpers to the probes:

important Test helpers addresses are served with a load-balancing algorithm. The amount requests per second they receive should be consistent across hosts, except for is treated differently from other test helpers: it receives less traffic to allow testing new releases with lower impact.


Miscellaneous probe configuration data

Various endpoints provide data to configure the probe:

Probe registration and login

Two entry points provide probe registration and login. The mechanism and the accounts are legacy and completely independent from Authβ€‰πŸ.

The workflows follow these steps:

On πŸ–₯ the two entry points are currently being redirected to a different host implementing while other backend hosts are exposing the endpoints in the API.

important The probe authentication implemented in the API is not backward compatible with credentials already generated by Orchestrate and stored by existing probes.

Measurement submission

The probe services module also provides entry points to submit measurements. The submission is done in steps:

  1. The probe opens a new report at

  2. The probe submit one or more measurements with one HTTP POST each at

  3. The probe optionally closes the report using Closing reports is currently unnecessary.


Probe services also serve the robots.txt file at

This is use to block or throttle search engines and other bots that in the past caused significant load on the API.

note some aggressive bots might ignore robots.txt. See Limiting scrapingβ€‰πŸ“’

Incident management

The incident management module implements ways for users to create, update and list incidents.


Accounts with β€œadmin” role can perform the same actions as regolar users and additionally can publish, unpublish and delete incidents.

All the routes related to this module are mounted under /api/v1/incidents/:

Users can only update/delete incidents created by themselves. Admins can update/delete everything.

Incidents are stored in the incidents table ⛁

See Sources


This module implements reactive prioritization for URLs in the test list served to the probes.

/api/v1/check-in and /api/v1/test-list/urls provide dynamic URL tests lists for Web connectivity test Ⓣ based on the CitizenLab URL list and the measurements count from the last 7 days.

The module is used mainly by the Probe servicesβ€‰πŸ API and secondarily by the private_api_check_in method in the Private entry pointsβ€‰πŸ.

For changing prioritization rules see Prioritization rules UI and Prioritization managementβ€‰πŸ


Ellipses represent data; rectangles represent processes. Purple components belong to the backend. Click on the image and then click on each shape to see related documentation.

In the diagram arrows show information flow.

The prioritization system implements a feedback mechanism to provide efficient coverage of URLs in Web connectivity test Ⓣ in ASNβ€‰πŸ’‘ with low coverage.

Measurements from probes are received by the APIβ€‰βš™, sent to the Fastpathβ€‰βš™ and then stored in the fastpath table. ClickHouseβ€‰βš™ automatically updates the counters_asn_test_list table ⛁ in real time. See the link for details on the table contents.

Later on probes call API entry points like and receive new URLs (inputs) for Web connectivity test Ⓣ. The URLs are ordered according to the priorities set in the url_priorities table ⛁ and the amount of measurements gathered in the past days from probes in the same ASNβ€‰πŸ’‘. sources

private API sources

probe services sources

For debugging see and Test list prioritization monitoringβ€‰πŸ

Priorities and weights

URLs have priorities based on the rules from the url_priorities table ⛁.

Prioritization rules can be viewed and edited by accounts with admin rights on

The compute_priorities function calculates priority and weight for each supplied URL.

Priorities are calculated by matching all the prioritization rules to each URL in the citizenlab table ⛁. They do not depend on the amount of past measurements.

Priorities values are relative, e.g. if one URL has a priority of 800 and another one has 200 the first should be measured 4 times more often than the latter.

The URLs sent to the probes are ordered from the most urgent to the least urgent by calculating weights as priority / measurement count. This is done with a granularity of a single country code + ASNβ€‰πŸ’‘ pair.

Probes start performing Web connectivity test Ⓣ from the top of the list.

You can inspect generated priorities with the Priorities and weights notebookβ€‰πŸ“” or using the API at or e.g.:

$ curl -s '' | jq -S | less
$ curl -s '' | jq -S | less

Private entry points

The module provides many entry points not meant for public consumption. They are not versioned, mounted under /api/_ and used exclusively by:

Statistics and summaries, mainly for Explorer:

Misc functions:

For debugging: See Rate limiting and quotasβ€‰πŸ for details.

note There are other entry points under /api/_ that are not part of this module, e.g. OONI Runβ€‰πŸ


Rate limiting and quotas

The API is provided with rate limiting functions and traffic quotas to provide fair use and protect the database from overloading. It was initially implemented to protect PostgreSQL used in the past.

The rate limiting is based on multiple usages quotas with monthly, weekly and daily limits. The limit are applied to /24 subnets where HTTP connections are coming from by default, or with a token system for authenticated accounts. Quotas are stored in LMDB in order to track the values consistently across API processes with minimal increase in CPU and I/O load.

Resource usage can vary widely between different API entry points and query parameters. In order to account resource consumption both in terms of CPU and disk I/O quotas are consumed based on the wallclock time taken to to process each API call. This means that i.e. an API call that takes 2 seconds consumes 20 times more quota than a call that takes 100 ms.

When any of the monthly, weekly and daily quotas are exceeded users receive HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests) until quotas are incremented again. Increments happen every hour.

There’s an API call to get a summary of used quotas: See Investigating heavy aggregation queries runbookβ€‰πŸ“’ for usage examples.

Configuration for rate limiting is at:



This module implements management of OONI Run links.

All the routes related to this module are mounted under /api/v1/ooni_run/:

Specifications are published at:

OONI Run links can be updated by sending new translations and new versions. Each entry is stored as a new database row. The creation entry point detects if the new submission contains only translation changes. In that case it only updates translation_creation_time. Otherwise it also updates descriptor_creation_time. The two values are then used by the probe to access either the latest translation for a given descriptor_creation_time, or the latest version overall.



The module contains entry points related to managing both the CitizenLab Test Listβ€‰πŸ’‘ and Prioritization managementβ€‰πŸ.

This subchapter describes the first part.

The following entry points allow authenticated users to propose changes to the CitizenLab repository. It is a private API used by Test List Editorβ€‰πŸ–±. The API manages an internal clone of the CitizenLab repository for each user that goes through the workflow.

Entry points:

The repository goes through the following state machine:

direction LR
classDef green fill:#eeffee,black,font-weight:bold,stroke-width:2px
[*] --> CLEAN: checkout
CLEAN:::green --> IN_PROGRESS: make changes
IN_PROGRESS:::green --> PR_OPEN: open PR
PR_OPEN:::green --> IN_PROGRESS: close PR
PR_OPEN --> CLEAN: PR merged/rejected

Description of the states:

  • ● - the local repository does not exist yet

  • CLEAN - the local repository has no changes and it is in sync with the CitizenLab public repository

  • IN_PROGRESS - there are some changes in the working tree but they have not been pushed to the public repository’s pull request branch

  • PR_OPEN - a pull request is open

Users can open a pull request and close it to make further changes. The β€œPR merged/rejected” edge in the state machine diagram the only transition that is not started by the user.

See CitizenLab test list updaterβ€‰βš™ for a description of the data flow.


See Metrics listβ€‰πŸ’‘ for application metrics.

Prioritization management

This part of the API is used by the OONI team to manage prioritization rules for URLs used by Web connectivity test Ⓣ. It lives in the module.

The UI is at and it is part of the Test List Editorβ€‰πŸ–±. It is available to accounts with admin role only.

See Prioritizationβ€‰πŸ for the prioritization rules logic.

There are two entry points:

The changes are immediately applied to the url_priorities table and used by Prioritizationβ€‰πŸ.

Public and private web UIs


UI to display measurements and aggregated data to the users

Fetches data from the APIβ€‰βš™

CitizenLab Test List

A list of URLs for Web connectivity test Ⓣ managed by the CitizenLab project.

The repository lives at

It is fetched automatically by the CitizenLab test list updaterβ€‰βš™.

Test List Editor

UI to allow authenticated users to submit or edit URLs in the CitizenLab Test List

Documented at

Fetches data from the CitizenLabβ€‰πŸ API.

Prioritization rules UI

UI for internal use to manage prioritization rules. It is available at and it is part of the Test List Editorβ€‰πŸ–±.

See Prioritization managementβ€‰πŸ for details.


The fastpath is a data processing pipeline designed to process incoming measurements in real time.

It also supports processing old measurements by fetching them from the S3 data bucketβ€‰πŸ’‘.

  • Generate scoring metadata and flag them as confirmed, anomaly as needed.

  • Detect invalid measurements (e.g. from the future) and flag them as failed.

  • Extract metadata from measurements e.g. engine_version

  • Write scoring and metadata to the fastpath table ⛁

  • Extract OpenVPN observations into obs_openvpn table ⛁

Data flow diagram:

flowchart LR
A(Probes) --> B(API) --> C(Fastpath HTTP)
C --> D(queue) --> E(Fastpath worker)
E --> F(fa:fa-database fastpath)
style A fill:#ffeeee
style B fill:#eeffee
style C fill:#eeffee
style D fill:#eeffee
style E fill:#eeffee
style F fill:#eeffee


Ellipses represent data; rectangles represent processes. Click on the image and then click on each shape to see related documentation.

The fastpath has been designed around a set of goals:

  • Resiliency: the processing pipeline is lenient towards measurements with missing or incorrect fields to mitigate the impact of known and unknown bugs in the incoming measurements. Also it is designed to minimize the risk of crashing out, blocking or deadlocking. Ancillary data sources e.g. Fingerprint updaterβ€‰βš™ have failure modes that do not block the fastpath.

  • Horizontal scalability: Measurement processing is stateless and supports lockless multiprocessing. Measurement collection, spooling and processing can scale horizontally on multiple hosts.

  • Security: measurements are received from a public API and treated as untrusted input. All backend components are built on a secure SBOM and are sandboxed using minimum privileges.

  • Maintainability: all data flows in one direction from the API through a simple queue system to the database. The only information flowing in the opposite direction is backpressure to prevent stalling or unbounded RAM usage when the CPUs are saturated. The code style favors simplicity and readability over speed and feature richness.

  • Support unit, functional, end-to-end integration testing, CI/CD.

Core logic

Python module:

Implement the main logic:

  • Parse CLI options and configuration files and manage local directories.

  • Fetch and prepare HTTP and DNS fingerprints from the fingerprints_dns table ⛁ and fingerprints_http table ⛁. See Fingerprint updaterβ€‰βš™.

  • Spawn a local HTTP server to receive fresh measurements from the API. See

  • Spawn and manage a worker pool to scale out horizontally on available CPU cores.

  • Alternatively, feed measurements from the S3 data bucketβ€‰πŸ’‘.

  • Process incoming measurements, see the process_measurement function.

  • Score each measurement individually, see the score_measurement function. The scoring functions e.g. score_measurement_telegram are meant to focus only on test-specific data, be stateless and unit-testable in isolation.

  • Generate anomaly, confirmed and failure flag consistently with Explorerβ€‰πŸ–± and the batch pipeline used before.

  • Extract metadata and upsert each measurement into fastpath table ⛁ in clickhouse_upsert_summary

The fastpath also supports buffering writes into large batches to avoid single-record insert queries in ClickHouse. This provides a 25x speedup when Reprocessing measurementsβ€‰πŸ“’ from S3 data bucketβ€‰πŸ’‘.

This is not meant to be used for real-time measurement scoring as it would create risk of losing multiple records in case of failed query, crash, etc and also increase latency.

note Batching writes can also be implemented in ClickHouse using Buffer Table Engine or async insert

Database module

Python module:

Implements all the database-related functions. The rest of the codebase is database-agnostic.

note Upserts are based on the MergeTree table engine, see Overall designβ€‰πŸ’‘.

S3 Feeder

Python module:

Implements the fetching of measurements from S3 data bucketβ€‰πŸ’‘. The rest of the codebase is agnostic of S3.

It supports new and legacy cans and JSON and YAML formats.

See Feed fastpath from JSONLβ€‰πŸž

YAML normalization

Python module:

Transforms legacy measurement format in YAML into JSON. YAML form is legacy and not used for new measurements.

Test helpers

Test helpers are hosts that provide the test helper oohelperd service to probes. They are deployed by Test helper rotationβ€‰βš™ and tracked in test_helper_instances table ⛁.

They have names and DNS entries <number> See Test helper rotationβ€‰βš™ for details on the deployment process.

Test helpers send metrics to Prometheusβ€‰πŸ”§ and send logs to πŸ–₯.

See Test helpers dashboardβ€‰πŸ“Š for metrics and alarming and Test helpers failure runbookβ€‰πŸ“’ for troubleshooting.

The address of the test helpers are provided to the probes by the API in Test helpers listβ€‰πŸ. is treated differently from other test helpers.


Miscellaneous scripts, services and tools. It contains ancillary components that are not updated often and might not justify a dedicated Debian package for each of them.

Deployed using the analysis packageβ€‰πŸ“¦

Data flows from various updaters:


Ellipses represent data; rectangles represent processes. Purple components belong to the backend. Click on the image and then click on each shape to see related documentation.

See the following subchapters for details:

CitizenLab test list updater

This component fetches the test lists from CitizenLab Test Listβ€‰πŸ’‘ and populates the citizenlab table ⛁ and citizenlab_flip table ⛁.

flowchart LR
A(Github repository) --> B(updater)
B --> C(fa:fa-database citizenlab) --> E(API)
B --> D(fa:fa-database citizenlab_flip)
E --> TLE(Test List Editor)
style B fill:#ffeeee
style A fill:#eeffee
style C fill:#eeffee
style D fill:#eeffee
style E fill:#eeffee

The git repository is cloned as an unauthenticated user.

Database writes are performed as the citizenlab user.

The tables have few constraints on the database side: most of the validation is done in the script and it is meant to be strict. The updater overwrites citizenlab_flip table ⛁ and then swaps it with citizenlab table ⛁ atomically. In case of failure during git cloning, verification and table overwrite the final swap does not happen, leaving the citizenlab table unaltered.

It is deployed using the analysis packageβ€‰πŸ“¦ and started by the ooni-update-citizenlab ⏲ Systemd timer.

Logs are generated as the analysis.citizenlab_test_lists_updater unit.

Also it generates the following metrics with the citizenlab_test_lists_updater prefix:

Metric nameTypeDescription
fetch_citizen_lab_liststimerFetch duration
update_citizenlab_tabletimerUpdate duration
citizenlab_test_list_lengaugeTable size

The updater lives in one file:

To run the updater manually during development:

PYTHONPATH=analysis ./run_analysis --update-citizenlab --dry-run --stdout

Fingerprint updater

This component fetches measurement fingerprints as CSV files from and populates fingerprints_dns table ⛁, fingerprints_dns_tmp table ⛁, fingerprints_http table ⛁ and fingerprints_http_tmp table ⛁.

The tables without _tmp are used by the Fastpathβ€‰βš™.

The CSV files are fetched directly without git-cloning.

Database writes are performed as the api user, configured in

The tables have no constraints on the database side and basic validation is performed by the script:

The updater overwrites the tables ending with _tmp and then swaps them with the β€œreal” tables atomically. In case of failure the final swap does not happen, leaving the β€œreal” tables unaltered.

It is deployed using the analysis packageβ€‰πŸ“¦ and started by the ooni-update-citizenlab ⏲ Systemd timer.

Logs are generated as the analysis.fingerprints_updater unit.

Also it generates the following metrics with the fingerprints_updater prefix:

Metric nameTypeDescription
fetch_csvtimerCSV fetch duration
fingerprints_update_progressgaugeUpdate progress
fingerprints_dns_tmp_lengaugeDNS table size
fingerprints_http_tmp_lengaugeHTTP table size

See the Fingerprint updater dashboardβ€‰πŸ“Š on Grafana.

The updater lives primarily in and it’s called by the script

To run the updater manually during development:

PYTHONPATH=analysis ./run_analysis --update-citizenlab --dry-run --stdout

ASN metadata updater

This component fetches ASN metadata from (generated via:

It populates the asnmeta table ⛁ and asnmeta_tmp table ⛁.

asnmeta table is used by the private APIβ€‰βš™, see: and

Database writes are performed as the api user, configured in

The table has no constraints on the database side and basic validation is performed by the script:

Logs are generated as the analysis.asnmeta_updater unit.

Also it generates the following metrics with the asnmeta_updater prefix:

Metric nameTypeDescription
fetch_datatimerData fetch duration
asnmeta_update_progressgaugeUpdate progress
asnmeta_tmp_lengaugetable size

See the ASN metadata updater dashboardβ€‰πŸ“Š on Grafana.

To run the updater manually during development:

PYTHONPATH=analysis ./run_analysis --update-asnmeta --stdout

GeoIP downloader

Fetches GeoIP databases, installed by the ooni-apiβ€‰βš™. Started by the ooni-download-geoip timer ⏲ on πŸ–₯, see.

Lives at

Updates asn.mmdb and cc.mmdb in /var/lib/ooniapi/

Can be monitored with the GeoIP MMDB database dashboardβ€‰πŸ“Š and by running:

sudo journalctl --identifier ooni_download_geoip

Database backup tool

The backup tool is a service that regularly backs up ClickHouseβ€‰βš™ tables to S3. It also exports tables in CSV.zstd format for public consumption.

Contrarily to similar tools, it is designed to:

  • extract data in chunks and upload it without creating temporary files

  • without requiring transaction support in the database (not available in ClickHouse)

  • without requiring transactional filesystems or interrupting the database workload

It is configured by Ansibleβ€‰πŸ”§ using the /etc/ooni/db-backup.conf file. Runs as a SystemD service, see ooni-db-backup timer ⏲

It compresses data using during the upload.

The tool chunks tables as needed and add sleeps as needed to prevent a query backlog impacting the database performance.

Logs are generated as the ooni-db-backup unit.

Also it generates the following metrics with the db-backup prefix:

Metric nameTypeDescription
upload_to_s3timerData upload duration
run_exporttimerData export duration
table_{tblname}_backup_time_mstimerTable backup time

See the Database backup dashboardβ€‰πŸ“Š on Grafana and Metrics listβ€‰πŸ’‘ for application metrics.

Monitor with:

sudo journalctl -f --identifier ooni-db-backup

Future improvements:

Ancillary modules

analysis/analysis/ is the main analysis script and acts as a wrapper to other components.

analysis/analysis/ is a tiny wrapper for the Statsd Python library.

Social media blocking event detector

Blocking event detector currently under development. Documented in

Deployed by the detector packageβ€‰πŸ“¦.

See Monitor blocking event detections notebookβ€‰πŸ“” Event detector dashboard Detector timer ⏲

OONI bridges

OONI bridges are a new design for handling the connectivity between Probes and the backend components.

The provide a set of benefits compared to the previous architecture:

  • Circumvention: the entry point for the API accepts all FDQN allowing mitigation for DPI-based blocking.

  • Circumvention 2: bridges are designed to be deployed on both publicly known and β€œstatic” IP addresses as well as ephemeral, less visible addresses and/or lesser known hosting providers.

    • Bridges are stateless and could be deployed by Test helper rotationβ€‰βš™.

    • Test helper VMs can run HaProxy and be used as bridges without impacting their ability to run test helpers as well.

  • Faster connectivity: probes use the same HTTPS connection to a bridge for both traffic to the API and to the test helper.

  • Resiliency: Test helpers are load-balanced using stateful connections. Anything affecting the test helpers is not going to impact the Probes, including: test helper rotation, CPU overload, network weather or datacenter outages.

The current configuration is based on HaProxyβ€‰βš™ being run as a load balancer in front of Test helpersβ€‰βš™ and the previously configured Nginxβ€‰βš™ instance.

The configuration is stored in

The following diagram shows the load balancing topology:

In the diagram caching for the API and proxying for various services is still done by Nginx for legacy reasons but can be moved to HaProxy to simplify configuration management and troubleshooting.

Bridges are deployed as:

Test helper rotation

The test helper rotation script is responsible for spawning and deploying VMs on Digital Ocean to be used as Test helpersβ€‰βš™.

The main goals for this architecture are:

  • Incremental rollout: the deployment of a new version of the test helper (oohelperd) is performed incrementally over 4 weeks without requiring manual intervention. This allow detecting changes in:

    • Percentages of anomaly / confirmed and failure measurements

    • Test execution time, CPU and memory usage.

  • Resiliency: traffic between probes and test helpers could be blocked by 3rd parties. The rotation system mitigates this risk by cycling countries, datacenters and IP addresses across a very large pool. The tool is designed to allow future extensions to support other hosting providers in order to increase the address pool.

  • Trust: test helpers could be treated differently than other hosts by censors e.g. allowing test helpers to reach websites otherwise blocked. By rotating test helpers this risk is also mitigated.

  • Failure resolution: in case of failure of a test helper due to crash, hardware or network issues, DoS etc. the impacted host can be replaced within 5 minutes.

  • Future extension: The ability to rotate country / datacenter / IP address can also be used for OONI bridgesβ€‰βš™ in future.

The primary functions are:

  • Select datacenters and spawn VMs. This allows having helpers to live in many countries, datacenters and subnets making attempts at blocking them more difficult.

  • Runs a setup script on the host at first boot

  • Keeps a list of live and old hosts in a dedicated database table

  • Create SSL certificates using the Digital Ocean API

  • Performs end-to-end test on newly created VMs to ensure the test helper service is running

  • Update DNS to publish new services

  • Drain and destroy old VMs

A summary of the sequence to deploy, drain and destroy a test helper VM:

Rotation->>Digital Ocean: Spawn VM
Digital Ocean->>+TH: Spawn
Rotation-->>+TH: Poll for readiness
TH-->>-Rotation: Ready
Rotation->>+Digital Ocean: Create TLS cert
Digital Ocean->>-Rotation: TLS cert
Rotation->>TH: Install TLS cert
Rotation->>TH: Start service
Rotation->>TH: Run TH test
Rotation->>Digital Ocean: Update DNS: publish
Rotation->>Digital Ocean: Update DNS: drain
Rotation->>Digital Ocean: Terminate VM
Digital Ocean->>TH: Terminate
TH->>-Digital Ocean: Terminates

DNS propagation time affects the probe’s ability to move to a newly deployed test helper quickly. This is why the rotation script includes a generous draining period and destroys old VMs after a week.

note When triggering rotations manually monitor the change in traffic and give probes enough time to catch up.

It is designed to be extended:

  • Support multiple cloud services. The database tables already contain columns to track VMs on different cloud providers.

  • Support deploying OONI bridgesβ€‰βš™. This can provide frequently changing β€œentry point” IP addresses for probes.

The script is deployed on πŸ–₯ using the analysis deb packageβ€‰πŸ“¦

The configuration is deployed using Ansibleβ€‰πŸ”§:

Test helpers are named <number> This is required to generate * certificates.

To troubleshoot rotation see the test helper rotation runbookβ€‰πŸ“’


The tool reads /etc/ooni/rotation.conf

It uses the following APIs:

  • Digital Ocean API: DNS A/AAAA records

  • Digital Ocean API: Live droplets

Other stateful data exists only in:

  • test_helper_instances database table

  • β€œLet’s Encrypt” SSL certificates for * temporarily stored on local host and pushed to the test helpers

For the database table setup see test_helper_instances table ⛁.

Example of /etc/ooni/rotation.conf

token = CHANGEME
active_droplets_count = 4
size_slug = s-1vcpu-1gb
image_name = debian-10-x64
draining_time_minutes = 240
dns_zone =

Simple example for /etc/ooni/

# Configure test-helper droplet
# This script is run as root and with CWD=/
set -euo pipefail
exec 1>setup.log 2>&1
echo "deb [trusted=yes] unstable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ooni.list
apt-key adv --verbose --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 'B5A08F01796E7F521861B449372D1FF271F2DD50'
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -qy
echo > /etc/motd
apt-get install -qy oohelperd
apt-get install -qy oohelperd nginx-light

It is activated by the ooni-rotation timer ⏲ Systemd timer Generates metrix prefixed as rotation and logs as a journald unit named rotation.

Related files in the backend repository:


warning The script has no access to security-critical credentials for services like Namecheap, however it has the ability to spawn VMs and control Digital Ocean’s DNS.

Measurement uploader

This component uploads fresh measurements from to S3 data bucketβ€‰πŸ’‘ after compressing them into Postcansβ€‰πŸ’‘ and .jsonl files.

It inserts records in the jsonl table ⛁ using the api database user.

The uploader runs hourly. The measurement batching process is designed to avoid data loss in case of interruption or crash:

  • Scan for raw measurements from the spool directory, typically /var/lib/ooniapi/measurements/incoming/

  • Generate one Postcansβ€‰πŸ’‘ and JSONL filesβ€‰πŸ’‘ in a different directory

  • Delete the raw measurements

  • Upload the postcan and jsonl files to S3 data bucketβ€‰πŸ’‘

  • Insert new records in jsonl table ⛁ with fields report_id, input, s3path, linenum, measurement_uid

The jsonl table is used by the API to look up measurement bodies. There is one line per measurement. The s3path column identifies the key on S3 data bucketβ€‰πŸ’‘ containing the compressed JSONL file with the measurement data. The linenum column contains the line number in such file where the measurement is found. See Measurementsβ€‰πŸ

Reads the /etc/ooni/api.conf file. The file itself is deployed by Ansibleβ€‰πŸ”§.

Also see the Measurement uploader dashboardβ€‰πŸ“Š, uploader timer and Main data flowsβ€‰πŸ’‘



A β€œpostcan” is tarball containing measurements as they are uploaded by the probes, optionally compressed. Postcans are meant for internal use.

S3 data bucket

The ooni-data-eu-fra Amazon S3 bucket contains the whole OONI dataset. It is accessible with the S3 protocol and also over HTTPS:

It uses a dedicated Open Data account providing free hosting for public data. Details on the OONI account used for this are in the Team credential repositoryβ€‰πŸ’‘.

note All data on the bucket has to be kept publicly accessible to comply with the Open Data requirements. Do not run other AWS services using the Open Data account.

S3 measurement files layout

Probes usually upload multiple measurements on each execution. Measurements are stored temporarily and then batched together, compressed and uploaded to the S3 bucket once every hour. To ensure transparency, incoming measurements go through basic content validation and the API returns success or error; once a measurement is accepted it will be published on S3.

Specifications of the raw measurement data can be found inside of the ooni/spec repository.

JSONL files

File paths in the S3 bucket in JSONL format.

Contains a JSON document for each measurement, separated by newline and compressed, for faster processing. The JSONL format is natively supported by various data science tools and libraries.

The path structure allows to easily select, identify and download data based on the researcher’s needs.

In the path template:

  • cc is an uppercase 2 letter country code

  • testname is a test name where underscores are removed

  • timestamp is a YYYYMMDD timestamp

  • name is a unique filename

Compressed JSONL from measurements before 20201021

The path structure is: s3://ooni-data-eu-fra/jsonl/<testname>/<cc>/<timestamp>/00/<name>.jsonl.gz



You can list JSONL files with:

s3cmd ls s3://ooni-data-eu-fra/jsonl/
s3cmd ls s3://ooni-data-eu-fra/jsonl/webconnectivity/US/20201021/00/

Compressed JSONL from measurements starting from 20201020

The path structure is:




Note: The path will be updated in the future to live under /jsonl/

You can list JSONL files with:

s3cmd ls s3://ooni-data-eu-fra/raw/20210817/15/US/webconnectivity/

Raw β€œpostcans” from measurements starting from 20201020

Each HTTP POST is stored in the tarball as <timestamp>_<cc>_<testname>/<timestamp>_<cc>_<testname>_<hash>.post



Listing postcan files:

s3cmd ls s3://ooni-data-eu-fra/raw/20210817/
s3cmd ls s3://ooni-data-eu-fra/raw/20210817/11/GB/webconnectivity/

Other backend components


Nginx is used across various servers in the backend, primarily as a reverse proxy. It’s worth summarizing the main different uses here:

  • Reverse proxy for the APIβ€‰βš™, also providing caching from many API methods

  • Serving local measurements from disk from the backend hosts

  • Serving Atom/RSS feeds from disk from the backend hosts

  • Serving ACME challenge text files for Dehydratedβ€‰βš™

  • Reverse proxy for the test helpers

  • Reverse proxy for

  • Reverse proxy for internal or ancillary services e.g. Prometheus scraping, Grafanaβ€‰πŸ”§ etc

Nginx configuration files are stored in

Most of the proxying functionalities of Nginx can be replaced with HaProxyβ€‰βš™ to benefit from load balancing and active checks.

Caching could be provided by Varnish as it provides the ability to explicitly purge caches. This would be useful when testing the API.

Purging Nginx cache

While testing the API it can be useful to purge the cache provide by Nginx.

This selectively removes the cache files used for the API:

rm /var/cache/nginx/ooni-api/* -rf

note This method is not natively supported by Nginx. It’s recommended to use it only on the backend testbed.


HaProxy runs on the OONI bridgesβ€‰βš™ and works as a load balancer for the test helpers and the APIs on, πŸ–₯ and the bridge on πŸ–₯.

Contrasted to Nginxβ€‰βš™ it’s focused on load balancing rather than serving files and provides:

  • dashboards showing the current status of the web services and the load balancing targets

  • flexible active healthchecks and failover

  • more detailed metrics

  • more flexible routing policies that allow implementing better incremental rollouts, A/B testing etc

HaProxy is currently deployed on:

An example of the built-in dashboard:


Also see HaProxy dashboardβ€‰πŸ“Š.

When providing load balancing for the Test helpersβ€‰βš™ it uses a stateful algorithm based on the source IP address to ensure that every given probe reaches the same test helper. This is meant to help troubleshooting. Yet, in case a test helper becomes unreachable probe traffic is sent to the remaining test helpers. This affects exclusively the probes that were using the unreachable test helper. The probes that were reaching other test helpers are not shuffled around.


Dehydrated provides Let’s Encrypt certificate handling using ACME. It replaces certbot with a simpler and more reliable implementation.

Dehydrated is configured in Ansibleβ€‰πŸ”§, see

For monitoring see TLS certificate dashboardβ€‰πŸ“Š. There are alerts configured in Grafanaβ€‰πŸ”§ to alert on expiring certificates, see Alertingβ€‰πŸ’‘.

Jupyter Notebook

There is an instance of Jupyter Notebook deployed on the πŸ–₯ available for internal use at

It is used primarily for:

important There in no user account support in Jupyter Notebook. The instance is protected by HTTP basic auth using team credentials. To clarify ownership of notebooks put your account name as part of the notebook name. To prevent data loss do not modify notebooks owned by other users.

Ooniutils microlibrary

The following notebook is often used as a library in other notebooks:

It can be imported in other notebooks by adding this at the top:

%run ooniutils.ipynb

important be careful when making changes to it because it could break many notebooks including the ones automatically run by Jupycronβ€‰πŸ”§

Running the notebook imports commonly used libraries, including Pandas and Altair, configures Jupyter Notebook and provides some convenience functions:

  • click_query_fsn(query, **params) to run queries against ClickHouse on πŸ–₯. Returns a Pandas dataframe.

  • alertmanager_fire_alert(summary, alertname, job="", instance="", annotations={}, duration_min=1) to send an alert through alertmanager (Grafanaβ€‰πŸ”§).

  • send_slack_msg(title, msg, color="3AA3E3") to send messages directly to Slackβ€‰πŸ”§.

  • send_alert_through_ntfy(title, msg, priority="urgent", tags="warning") to send alerts directly using - see Redundant notificationsβ€‰πŸ”§ for details.

Confusingly, alertmanager_fire_alert needs an alarm duration to be set when called.

note > send_slack_msg can be used in addition to provide more details and subsequent updates to an existing alert.

Additionally, send_slack_msg can deliver clickable links.

note When creating new alerts it is helpful to include full links to the automated notebook generating the alert and its HTML output.

See Jupycronβ€‰πŸ”§ for details.


Jupycron is a Python script that runs Jupyter notebooks automatically.

Various notebooks are used to perform analysing, reporting and alarming using data science tools that are more powerful than Grafana and Prometheusβ€‰πŸ”§ internal query language. An example is the use of scikit-learn’s machine learning for predicting incoming measurement flow.

It is internally developed and hosted on github. It is deployed by Ansible on πŸ–₯.

It runs every minute and scans the existing notebooks at /var/lib/jupyter/notebooks/. It parses only notebooks that have the word autorun in the filename. (see example below) It then scans the content of the notebook looking for a code cell that contains a commented line like:

# jupycron: {"every": "30 minute"}

If such line is found it executes the notebook according to the required time interval and stores the output as an HTML file at /var/lib/jupyter/notebooks/jupycron

Execution intervals can be specified using keywords:

"min", "hour", "day", "week", "month"

note The AUTORUN environment variable is set when a notebook is run under jupycron. Also Ooniutils microlibraryβ€‰πŸ’‘ sets the autorun Python variable to True. This can be useful to send alerts only when notebooks are being run automatically.

Jupycron also provides an HTML summary of the existing automated notebooks.

The status column indicates the outcome of the previous run, if any:

  • 🟒: successful run

  • πŸ”΄: failed run

  • βŒ›: never executed before

  • πŸ›‡: disabled notebook: the # jupycron: {…​} line was not found

note notebooks are executed by jupyter-nbconvert under systemd-run with memory limits to protect the πŸ–₯ host. The limit can be changed by setting a MaxMem key in the configuration line, in megabytes.

Debugging tip: Jupycron stores the history of notebook executions in /var/lib/jupyter/notebooks/jupycron/.history.json.

For an example of automated notebook that sends alarm see Test helper failure rate notebookβ€‰πŸ“”

note When a notebook is run automatically by Jupycron only the HTML output is updated. The notebook itself is not.

Test helper failure rate notebook

This automated notebook performs a correlation of test failures and the location of Test helpersβ€‰βš™.

It sends alerts directly to Slackβ€‰πŸ”§.



Also see the test helpers notebookβ€‰πŸ“”, the test helper rotation runbookβ€‰πŸ“’ and the test helpers failure runbookβ€‰πŸ“’

Test helpers notebook

This notebook provides tables and charts to investigate the general status of the Test helpersβ€‰βš™

It provides a summary of the live and rotated test helpers:


See for investigation

Also see the test helper rotation runbookβ€‰πŸ“’ and the test helpers failure runbookβ€‰πŸ“’

Android probe release notebook

This automated notebook is used to compare changes in incoming measurements across different versions of the Android probe.

It is used in the Android probe release runbookβ€‰πŸ“’



iOS probe release notebook

This automated notebook is used to compare changes in incoming measurements across different versions of the iOS probe.



CLI probe release notebook

This automated notebook performs Used to compare changes in incoming measurements across different versions of the CLI probe.

It is used in the CLI probe release runbookβ€‰πŸ“’



Duplicate test-list URLs notebook

This automated notebook shows duplicate URLs across global and per-country test lists



Monitor blocking event detections notebook

This automated notebook monitor the Social media blocking event detectorβ€‰βš™ creating a summary table with clickable links to events. It also sends notification messages on Slackβ€‰πŸ”§.



Logs from FSN notebook

This automated notebook provides summaries and examples of log analysis. See ClickHouse instance for logsβ€‰βš™ for an overview.



Logs investigation notebook

This notebook provides various examples of log analysis. See ClickHouse instance for logsβ€‰βš™ for an overview.

Incoming measurements prediction and alarming notebook

This automated notebook uses Sklearn to implement predictions of the incoming measurement flow using a linear regression. It generates alarms if incoming traffic drops below a given threshold compared to the predicted value.

The purpose of the notebook is to detect major outages or any event affecting ooni’s infrastructure that causes significant loss in incoming traffic.

Predictions and runs work on a hourly basis and process different probe types independently.



An example of measurement flow prediction:


Incoming measurements prediction-by-country notebook

This automated notebook is similar to the previous one but evaluates each country independently.

The main purpose is to detect countries encountering significant Internet access disruption or blocking of ooni’s network traffic.

The notebook is currently work-in-progress and therefore monitoring few countries.



Long term measurements prediction notebook

This automated notebook runs long-term predictions of incoming measurement flows and alarms on significant drops.

The purpose is to detect slow decreases in measurements over time that have gone unnoticed in the past in similar situations.



Incoming measurements notebook

This automated notebook provides a dashboard of incoming measurement flows grouped by probe type, from a multiple-year point of view.

Its purpose is to provide charts to be reviewed by the team to discuss long term trends.



ClickHouse queries notebook

This is a non-automated notebook used to summarize heavy queries in ClickHouseβ€‰βš™

note The system.query_log table grows continuously and might be trimmed or emptied using TRUNCATE to free disk space.

Priorities and weights notebook

Notebooks to investigate prioritization. See Priorities and weightsβ€‰πŸ’‘

Campaign investigation notebook

A test campaign has been monitored with the following notebook. It could be tweaked and improved for other campaigns. To reuse it copy it to a new notebook and update the queries. Rerun all cells. The notebook will show how the measurement quantity and coverage increased.

Easy charting notebook

This notebook contains examples that can be used as building blocks for various investigations and dashboards.

It provides the easy_msm_count_chart helper function. Such functions shows measurement counts over time, grouped over a dimension.

By default it shows maximum 6 different values (color bands). This means you are not seeing the total amount of measurements in the charts.

You can add the following parameters, all optional:

  • title: free-form title
  • since: when to start, defaults to β€œ3 months”. You can use day, week, month, year
  • until: when to stop, defaults to now. You can use day, week, month, year
  • granularity: how big is each time slice: day, week, month. Defaults to day
  • dimension: what dimension to show as different color bands. Defaults to software_version
  • dimension_limit: how many values to show as different color bands. Defaults to 6.

The following parameters add filtering. The names should be self explanatory. The default value is no filter (count everything).

  • filter_software_name: looks only at measurement for a given software name, e.g. β€œooniprobe-android”.
  • filter_domain
  • filter_engine_name
  • filter_input
  • filter_probe_asn
  • filter_probe_cc
  • filter_test_name


Grafana is a popular platform for monitoring and alarming.

It is deployed on πŸ–₯ by Ansibleβ€‰πŸ”§ and lives at

See Grafana backup runbookβ€‰πŸ“’ and Grafana editingβ€‰πŸ“’

ClickHouse instance for logs

There is an instance of ClickHouse deployed on πŸ–₯ that receives logs. See Log managementβ€‰πŸ’‘ for details on logging in general.

See Logs from FSN notebookβ€‰πŸ“” and Logs investigation notebookβ€‰πŸ“” for examples on how to query the logs table to extract logs and generate charts.

note The logs table on πŸ–₯ is indexed by __REALTIME_TIMESTAMP. It can be used for fast ordering and filtering by time.

An example of a simple query to show recent logs:

SELECT timestamp, _SYSTEMD_UNIT, message
FROM logs
WHERE host = 'backend-fsn'
AND __REALTIME_TIMESTAMP > toUnixTimestamp(NOW('UTC') - INTERVAL 1 minute) * 1000000)


Vector is a log (and metric) management tool. See Log managementβ€‰πŸ’‘ for details.

important Vector is not packaged in Debian yet. See Vector is currently installed using a 3rd party APT archive.


ClickHouse is main database that stores measurements and many other tables. It accessed primarily by the APIβ€‰βš™ and the Fastpathβ€‰βš™.

It is an OLAP, columnar database. For documentation see

The database schema required by the API is stored in:

ClickHouse is deployed by Ansibleβ€‰πŸ”§ as part of the deploy-backend.yml playbook. It is installed using an APT archive from the developers and

Related: Database backup toolβ€‰βš™

Overall design

The backend uses both the native ClickHouse table engine MergeTree and β€œforeign” database engines, for example in EmbeddedRocksDB tables.

The MergeTree family is column-oriented, eventually consistent, non-transactional and optimized for OLAP workloads. It is suitable for very large number of records and columns.

The existing tables using MergeTree are meant to support replication in future by switching to ReplicatedMergeTree. This is crucial to implement active/standby and even active/active setups both for increased reliability and performance.

This choice is reflected in how record insertion and deduplication are performed: where possible, the API codebase assumes that multiple API instances can insert and fetch records without leading to inconsistent results. This requires special care in the implementation because MergeTree tables do not support immediate consistency nor transactions.

EmbeddedRocksDB uses - a key-value, row-oriented, low-latency engine. Some backend workloads are more suitable for this engine. EmbeddedRocksDB does not support replication.

important Some workloads would better suited for a transactional and immediately consistent database. E.g. OONI Runβ€‰πŸ and Incident managementβ€‰πŸ. See

To get an overview of the existing tables and engines use:

SELECT engine, name FROM system.tables WHERE database = 'default' ORDER BY engine, name

An overview of the more important tables:

note As ClickHouse does not support transactions, there are some workarounds to implement atomic updates of whole tables.

One way is to use two tables with the same schema, where one table receive updates and another one is used for reading, and swap them once the writes are completed. This is used by the APIβ€‰βš™, Test helper rotationβ€‰βš™ and other components. The SQL syntax is:


accounts table

Used for authentication. Assignes roles to accounts (by account id). The default value for accounts not present in the table is β€œuser”. As such, the table is currently tracking only admin roles.


CREATE TABLE default.accounts
`account_id` FixedString(32),
`role` String,
`update_time` DateTime DEFAULT now()
ENGINE = EmbeddedRocksDB
PRIMARY KEY account_id

To create and update account roles see:

Creating admin API accountsβ€‰πŸ“’

asnmeta table

Contains ASNβ€‰πŸ’‘ lookup data used by the API


CREATE TABLE default.asnmeta
`asn` UInt32,
`org_name` String,
`cc` String,
`changed` Date,
`aut_name` String,
`source` String
ENGINE = MergeTree
ORDER BY (asn, changed)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192

asnmeta_tmp table

Temporary table, see asnmeta table ⛁


CREATE TABLE default.blocking_events
`test_name` String,
`input` String,
`probe_cc` String,
`probe_asn` Int32,
`status` String,
`time` DateTime64(3),
`detection_time` DateTime64(0) MATERIALIZED now64()
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree
ORDER BY (test_name, input, probe_cc, probe_asn, time)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 4


CREATE TABLE default.blocking_status
`test_name` String,
`input` String,
`probe_cc` String,
`probe_asn` Int32,
`confirmed_perc` Float32,
`pure_anomaly_perc` Float32,
`accessible_perc` Float32,
`cnt` Float32,
`status` String,
`old_status` String,
`change` Float32,
`stability` Float32,
`update_time` DateTime64(0) MATERIALIZED now64()
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree
ORDER BY (test_name, input, probe_cc, probe_asn)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 4

citizenlab table

Contains data from the CitizenLab URL testing list repository.


CREATE TABLE default.citizenlab
`domain` String,
`url` String,
`cc` FixedString(32),
`category_code` String
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree
ORDER BY (domain, url, cc, category_code)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 4

Receive writes from CitizenLab test list updaterβ€‰βš™

Used by CitizenLabβ€‰πŸ

citizenlab_flip table

Temporary table. See CitizenLab test list updaterβ€‰βš™

counters_asn_test_list table

A MATERIALIZED VIEW table that, despite the name, is updated continuously by ClickHouse as new measurements are inserted in the fastpath table.

It contains statistics on the incoming measurement flow, grouped by week, probe_cc, probe_asn and input. It is used by Prioritizationβ€‰πŸ.


CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW default.counters_asn_test_list
`week` DateTime,
`probe_cc` String,
`probe_asn` UInt64,
`input` String,
`msmt_cnt` UInt64
ENGINE = SummingMergeTree
ORDER BY (probe_cc, probe_asn, input)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192 AS
toStartOfWeek(measurement_start_time) AS week,
count() AS msmt_cnt
FROM default.fastpath
INNER JOIN default.citizenlab ON fastpath.input = citizenlab.url
WHERE (measurement_start_time < now()) AND (measurement_start_time > (now() - toIntervalDay(8))) AND (test_name = \'web_connectivity\')
GROUP BY week, probe_cc, probe_asn, input

counters_test_list table

Similar to counters_asn_test_list table ⛁ - the main differences are that this table has daily granularity and does not discriminate by probe_asn


CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW default.counters_test_list
`day` DateTime,
`probe_cc` String,
`input` String,
`msmt_cnt` UInt64
ENGINE = SummingMergeTree
ORDER BY (probe_cc, input)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192 AS
toDate(measurement_start_time) AS day,
count() AS msmt_cnt
FROM default.fastpath
INNER JOIN default.citizenlab ON fastpath.input = citizenlab.url
WHERE (measurement_start_time < now()) AND (measurement_start_time > (now() - toIntervalDay(8))) AND (test_name = \'web_connectivity\')
GROUP BY day, probe_cc, input

fastpath table

This table stores the output of the Fastpathβ€‰βš™. It is usually the largest table in the database and receives the largest amount of read and write traffic.

It is used by multiple entry points in the APIβ€‰βš™, primarily for measurement listing and presentation and by the Aggregation and MATβ€‰πŸ


CREATE TABLE default.fastpath
`measurement_uid` String,
`report_id` String,
`input` String,
`probe_cc` LowCardinality(String),
`probe_asn` Int32,
`test_name` LowCardinality(String),
`test_start_time` DateTime,
`measurement_start_time` DateTime,
`filename` String,
`scores` String,
`platform` String,
`anomaly` String,
`confirmed` String,
`msm_failure` String,
`domain` String,
`software_name` String,
`software_version` String,
`control_failure` String,
`blocking_general` Float32,
`is_ssl_expected` Int8,
`page_len` Int32,
`page_len_ratio` Float32,
`server_cc` String,
`server_asn` Int8,
`server_as_name` String,
`update_time` DateTime64(3) MATERIALIZED now64(),
`test_version` String,
`architecture` String,
`engine_name` LowCardinality(String),
`engine_version` String,
`test_runtime` Float32,
`blocking_type` String,
`test_helper_address` LowCardinality(String),
`test_helper_type` LowCardinality(String),
INDEX fastpath_rid_idx report_id TYPE minmax GRANULARITY 1,
INDEX measurement_uid_idx measurement_uid TYPE minmax GRANULARITY 8
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(update_time)
ORDER BY (measurement_start_time, report_id, input, measurement_uid)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192

See Fastpath deduplicationβ€‰πŸ“’ for deduplicating the table records.

fingerprints_dns table

Stores measurement DNS fingerprints. The contents are used by the Fastpathβ€‰βš™ to detect confirmed measurements.

It is updated by the Fingerprint updaterβ€‰βš™


CREATE TABLE default.fingerprints_dns
`name` String,
`scope` Enum8(\'nat\' = 1, \'isp\' = 2, \'prod\' = 3, \'inst\' = 4, \'vbw\' = 5, \'fp\' = 6),
`other_names` String,
`location_found` String,
`pattern_type` Enum8(\'full\' = 1, \'prefix\' = 2, \'contains\' = 3, \'regexp\' = 4),
`pattern` String,
`confidence_no_fp` UInt8,
`expected_countries` String,
`source` String,
`exp_url` String,
`notes` String
ENGINE = EmbeddedRocksDB

fingerprints_dns_tmp table

Temporary table. See Fingerprint updaterβ€‰βš™

fingerprints_http table

Stores measurement HTTP fingerprints. The contents are used by the Fastpathβ€‰βš™ to detect confirmed measurements.

It is updated by the Fingerprint updaterβ€‰βš™


CREATE TABLE default.fingerprints_http
`name` String,
`scope` Enum8(\'nat\' = 1, \'isp\' = 2, \'prod\' = 3, \'inst\' = 4, \'vbw\' = 5, \'fp\' = 6, \'injb\' = 7, \'prov\' = 8),
`other_names` String,
`location_found` String,
`pattern_type` Enum8(\'full\' = 1, \'prefix\' = 2, \'contains\' = 3, \'regexp\' = 4),
`pattern` String,
`confidence_no_fp` UInt8,
`expected_countries` String,
`source` String,
`exp_url` String,
`notes` String
ENGINE = EmbeddedRocksDB

fingerprints_http_tmp table

Temporary table. See Fingerprint updaterβ€‰βš™

incidents table

Stores incidents. See Incident managementβ€‰πŸ.


CREATE TABLE default.incidents
`update_time` DateTime DEFAULT now(),
`start_time` DateTime DEFAULT now(),
`end_time` Nullable(DateTime),
`creator_account_id` FixedString(32),
`reported_by` String,
`id` String,
`title` String,
`text` String,
`event_type` LowCardinality(String),
`published` UInt8,
`deleted` UInt8 DEFAULT 0,
`CCs` Array(FixedString(2)),
`ASNs` Array(UInt32),
`domains` Array(String),
`tags` Array(String),
`links` Array(String),
`test_names` Array(String),
`short_description` String,
`email_address` String,
`create_time` DateTime DEFAULT now()
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(update_time)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 1

jsonl table

This table provides a method to look up measurements in JSONL files stored in S3 data bucketβ€‰πŸ’‘ buckets.

It is written by the Measurement uploaderβ€‰βš™ when Postcans and JSONL filesβ€‰πŸ’‘ just after measurements are uploaded to the bucket.

It is used by multiple entry points in the APIβ€‰βš™, primarily by get_measurement_meta.


CREATE TABLE default.jsonl
`report_id` String,
`input` String,
`s3path` String,
`linenum` Int32,
`measurement_uid` String,
`date` Date,
`source` String,
`update_time` DateTime64(3) MATERIALIZED now64()
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(update_time)
ORDER BY (report_id, input, measurement_uid)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192

msmt_feedback table

Used for Measurement feedbackβ€‰πŸ


CREATE TABLE default.msmt_feedback
`measurement_uid` String,
`account_id` String,
`status` String,
`update_time` DateTime64(3) MATERIALIZED now64(),
`comment` String
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree
ORDER BY (measurement_uid, account_id)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 4

oonirun table

Used for OONI Runβ€‰πŸ


CREATE TABLE default.oonirun
`ooni_run_link_id` UInt64,
`descriptor_creation_time` DateTime64(3),
`translation_creation_time` DateTime64(3),
`creator_account_id` FixedString(32),
`archived` UInt8 DEFAULT 0,
`descriptor` String,
`author` String,
`name` String,
`short_description` String,
`icon` String
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(translation_creation_time)
ORDER BY (ooni_run_link_id, descriptor_creation_time)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 1

session_expunge table

Used for authentication. It stores


CREATE TABLE default.session_expunge
`account_id` FixedString(32),
`threshold` DateTime DEFAULT now()
ENGINE = EmbeddedRocksDB
PRIMARY KEY account_id

obs_openvpn table

Table used by OpenVPN tests. Written by the Fastpathβ€‰βš™ and read by the APIβ€‰βš™


CREATE TABLE default.obs_openvpn
`anomaly` Int8,
`bootstrap_time` Float32,
`confirmed` Int8,
`error` String,
`failure` String,
`input` String,
`last_handshake_transaction_id` Int32,
`measurement_start_time` DateTime,
`measurement_uid` String,
`minivpn_version` String,
`obfs4_version` String,
`obfuscation` String,
`platform` String,
`probe_asn` Int32,
`probe_cc` String,
`probe_network_name` String,
`provider` String,
`remote` String,
`report_id` String,
`resolver_asn` Int32,
`resolver_ip` String,
`resolver_network_name` String,
`software_name` String,
`software_version` String,
`success` Int8,
`success_handshake` Int8,
`success_icmp` Int8,
`success_urlgrab` Int8,
`tcp_connect_status_success` Int8,
`test_runtime` Float32,
`test_start_time` DateTime,
`transport` String
ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree
ORDER BY (measurement_start_time, report_id, input)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8

test_groups table

Contains the definition of test groups. Updated manually and read by the API, mainly to show grouping in Explorerβ€‰πŸ–±.


CREATE TABLE default.test_groups
`test_name` String,
`test_group` String
ENGINE = Join(ANY, LEFT, test_name)

test_helper_instances table

List of live, draining and destroyed test helper instances. Used by Test helper rotationβ€‰βš™ internally.


CREATE TABLE default.test_helper_instances
`rdn` String,
`dns_zone` String,
`name` String,
`provider` String,
`region` String,
`ipaddr` IPv4,
`ipv6addr` IPv6,
`draining_at` Nullable(DateTime(\'UTC\')),
`sign` Int8,
`destroyed_at` Nullable(DateTime(\'UTC\'))
ENGINE = CollapsingMergeTree(sign)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8

url_priorities table

This table stores rules to compute priorities for URLs used in Web connectivity test Ⓣ.

See Prioritizationβ€‰πŸ, Prioritization management and Prioritization rules UIβ€‰πŸ–±


CREATE TABLE default.url_priorities
`sign` Int8,
`category_code` String,
`cc` String,
`domain` String,
`url` String,
`priority` Int32
ENGINE = CollapsingMergeTree(sign)
ORDER BY (category_code, cc, domain, url, priority)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 1024

ClickHouse system tables

ClickHouse has many system tables that can be used for monitoring performance and debugging.

Tables matching the following names (wildcard) can grow in size and also cause unnecessary I/O load:


Fastpath deduplication

ClickHouse does not deduplicate all records deterministically for performance reasons. Full deduplication can be performed with the following command and it is often required after running the fastpath to reprocess old measurements. Deduplication is CPU and IO-intensive.

time clickhouse-client -u admin --password admin --receive_timeout 9999 --send_timeout 9999 --query 'OPTIMIZE TABLE fastpath FINAL'

Dropping tables

ClickHouse has a protection against table drops. Use this to allow dropping a table once. After use the flag file is automatically removed:

sudo touch '/var/lib/clickhouse/flags/force_drop_table' && sudo chmod 666 '/var/lib/clickhouse/flags/force_drop_table'

Investigating table sizes

To monitor ClickHouse’s performance and table size growth there’s a dashboard and the ClickHouse queries notebookβ€‰πŸ“”

To investigate table and index sizes the following query is useful:

concat(database, '.', table) AS table,
formatReadableSize(sum(bytes)) AS size,
sum(rows) AS rows,
max(modification_time) AS latest_modification,
sum(bytes) AS bytes_size,
any(engine) AS engine,
formatReadableSize(sum(primary_key_bytes_in_memory)) AS primary_keys_size
WHERE active
GROUP BY database, table
ORDER BY bytes_size DESC

important The system tables named asynchronous_metric_log, query_log and query_thread_log can be useful for debugging and performance optimization but grow over time and create additional I/O traffic. Also see ClickHouse system tablesβ€‰πŸ’‘.

Possible workarounds are:

Also see Disable unnecessary ClickHouse system tablesβ€‰πŸž

Investigating database performance

If needed a simple script can be run to generate additional metrics and logs to identify slow queries.

Terminal window
while true;
# Extract longest running query time and send it as a statsd metric
v=$(clickhouse-client -q 'SELECT elapsed FROM system.processes ORDER BY elapsed DESC LIMIT 1')
echo "clickhouse_longest_query_elapsed_seconds:$v|g" | nc -w 1 -u 8125
# Extract count of running queries and send it as a statsd metric
v=$(clickhouse-client -q 'SELECT count() FROM system.processes')
echo "clickhouse_running_queries_count:$v|g" | nc -w 1 -u 8125
# Log long running queries into journald
clickhouse-client -q 'SELECT query FROM system.processes WHERE elapsed > 10' | sed 's/\\n//g' | systemd-cat -t click-queries
sleep 1

Continuous Deployment: Database schema changes

The database schema required by the API is stored in

In a typical CD workflows it is possible to deploy database schema changes in a way that provides safety against outages and requires no downtimes.

Any component that can be deployed independently from others can be made responsible for creating and updating the tables it needs. If multiple components access the same table it’s important to coordinate their code updates and deployments during schema changes.

important typical CD requires deployments to be performed incrementally to speed up and simplify rollouts. It does not guarantees that package versions can be rolled forward or back by skipping intermediate versions.

To support such use-case more complex database scheme versioning would be required. Due to hardware resource constraints and time constraints we need to be able to manually create new tables (especially on the test stage) and perform analysis work, run performance and feature tests, troubleshooting etc. As such, at this time the backend components are not checking the database schema against a stored β€œtemplate” at install or start time.

note A starting point for more automated database versioning existed at

note in future such check could be implemented and generate a warning to be enabled only on non-test CD stages.

note one way to make database changes at package install time is to use the debian/postinst script. For example see

important in writing SQL queries explicitly set the columns you need to read or write and access them by name: any new column will be ignored.

Some examples of database schema change workflows:

Adding a new column to the fastpath

The following workflow can be tweaked or simplified to add columns or tables to other components.

note multiple deployments or restarts should not trigger failures: always add columns using ALTER TABLE <name> ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS <name> <other parameters>

The new column is added either manually or by deploying a new version of the fastpath package that adds the column at install or start time. Ensure the rollout reaches all the CD stages.

Prepare, code-review, merge and deploy a new version of the fastpath that writes data to the new column. Ensure the rollout reaches all the CD stages.

Verify the contents of the new column e.g. using a Jupyter Notebook

Prepare, code-review, merge and deploy a new version of the API that reads data from the new column. Ensure the rollout reaches all the CD stages.

This workflow guarantees that the same schema and codebase has been tested on all stages before reaching production.

Renaming a column or table

This is a more complex workflow especially when multiple components access the same table or column. It can also be used for changing a column type and other invasive changes.

For each of the following steps ensure the rollout reaches all the CD stages.

  • Create a new column or table.

  • Prepare, code-review, merge and deploy a new version of all the components that write data. Write all data to both the old and new column/table.

  • If required, run one-off queries that migrate existing data from the old column/table to the new one. Using IF NOT EXISTS can be useful.

  • Prepare, code-review, merge and deploy a new version of all the components that reads data. Update queries to only read from the new column/table.

  • Prepare, code-review, merge and deploy a new version of all the components that write data. Write data only to the new column/table.

  • Run one-off queries to delete the old column/table. Using IF EXISTS can be useful for idempotent runs.

Database schema check

To compare the database schemas across backend hosts you can use:

Terminal window
for hn in ams-pg-test backend-hel backend-fsn; do
echo $hn
> "schema_${hn}"
for tbl in $(ssh $hn 'clickhouse-client -q "SHOW TABLES FROM default"' | grep -v inner_id ); do
echo " ${tbl}"
ssh $hn "clickhouse-client -q \"SHOW CREATE TABLE default.${tbl}\"" | sed 's/\\n/\n/g' >> "schema_${hn}"

The generated files can be compared more easily using meld.

Also related: Database backup toolβ€‰βš™

GitHub CI workflows

There are 5 main workflows that a run by GitHub Actions when new pull requests are created or updated the backend repository.

They are configured using YAML files in the repository, plus secret keys and other variables that can be edited on

The workflow files are:

  • .github/workflows/build_deb_packages.yml

  • .github/workflows/docgen.yaml

  • .github/workflows/mypy.yml

  • .github/workflows/test_fastpath.yaml

  • .github/workflows/test_new_api.yml

warning the workflows handle sensitive credentials. GitHub provides security features to prevent 3rd party contributors from running CI actions through pull requests that might expose credentials.

Debian package build and publish

Quick checklist

You would like to make a new release of a software that follows the debops CI procedure? Read ahead.

  1. Write your code and push it to a branch
  2. Edit the debian/changelog file to add an entry like follows (eg. backend/api/debian/changelog)
ooni-api (1.0.89) unstable; urgency=medium
* Some changes
-- OONITarian <> Wed, 21 Feb 2024 16:24:18 +0100

Attention Be sure to update the timestamp and the version string to a newer date, otherwise the package update may not be triggered.

  1. Commit your changelog entry and wait for CI to build
  2. Login to the host where you would like to test deploy it and list the available packages
sudo apt-get update
apt-cache madison ooni-api
  1. From the list look for the version number of the package you would like to test. Be sure to first test deploy it on a staging or testing host.
ooni-api | 1.0.89~pr806-275 | unstable/main amd64 Packages
ooni-api | 1.0.89~pr792-273 | unstable/main amd64 Packages
  1. You can then install the desired version by running:
sudo apt-get install ooni-api=1.0.89~pr806-275
  1. Do some validation to ensure the new version is working as intended

Here is a sample python snippet:

import requests
r =
#"X-Real-IP": '',
"X-Forwarded-For": ''
'probe_cc': 'IT',
'probe_asn': 'AS8220',
'platform': 'desktop',
'software_name': 'notooniprobe',
'software_version': '1.0.0',
'on_wifi': False,
'charging': False,
'run_type': 'manual',
'web_connectivity': {
'category_codes': []
  1. Once you are happy with the new version, you can push it to production. Merge the PR and do the same you did now for production.

More information

Builds one or more .deb files from the backend repository and uploads them to Debian archives on S3.

The configuration file is:


The workflow installs the required dependencies as Debian packages and then fetches the debops-ci toolβ€‰πŸ”§ from the sysadmin repository

debops-ci tool

A Python script that automates package builds and CI/CD workflows:

  • Detects debian/ directories in the current repository. It inspects file changes tracked by git to identify which projects are being modified.

  • Bumps up version numbers according to the package versioningβ€‰πŸ’‘ criteria described below.

  • Builds Debian packages as needed.

  • Generates a Debian archive on S3. Uploads .deb files into it to make them available for deployment.

The script has been designed to address the following requirements:

  • Remove dependencies from 3rd party services that might become expensive or be shut down.
  • Serverless: do not require a dedicated CI/CD server
  • Stateless: allow the script to run in CI and on developer desktops without requiring a local database, cache etc.
  • Compatible: generate a package archive that can be used by external users to install ooniprobe on their hosts using standard tooling.
  • CI-friendly: minimize the amount of data that needs to be deployed on servers to update a backend component or probe.
  • Reproducible: given the same sources the generated output should be virtually identical across different systems. I.e. it should not depend on other software installed locally.

It is used in the CI workflow as:

Terminal window
./debops-ci --show-commands ci --bucket-name ooni-internal-deb
debops-ci details

The tool requires the following environment variables for automated ci runs:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in order to write to S3 buckets.

  • DEB_GPG_KEY or DEB_GPG_KEY_BASE64 to GPG-sign packages. The first variable can contain a PEM-encoded private key, while the second is base64-encoded.

Other configuration parameters can be set from the command line. See the -h CLI option:

Version 2023-10-20.1
Builds deb packages and uploads them to S3-compatible storage.
Works locally and on GitHub Actions and CircleCI
Detects which package[s] need to be built.
Support "release" and PR/testing archives.
scan - scan the current repository for packages to be built
build - locate and build packages
upload <filename> - upload one package to S3
ci - detect CircleCI PRs, build and upload packages
- Implement CI/CD workflow using package archives
- Support adding packages to an existing S3 archive without requiring a
local mirror
- Support multiple packages in the same git repository
- GPG signing
- Support multiple architectures
- Update changelogs automatically
- Easy to debug
- Phased updates (rolling deployments)
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bucket-name BUCKET_NAME
S3 bucket name
--distro DISTRO Debian distribution name
--origin ORIGIN Debian Origin name
--arch ARCH Debian architecture name
--gpg-key-fp GPG_KEY_FP
GPG key fingerprint
--show-commands Show shell commands

When running with the ci or upload commands, the tool creates the required directories and files on S3 to publish an archive suitable for APT. It uploads any newly built package and then appends the package description to the Packages file. It then generates a new InRelease file and adds a GPG signature at the bottom of the file.

See Packages and InRelease as examples.

The current OONI package archives are:

Documentation on how to use the public archive:

The tool can also be used manually e.g. for debugging using actions scan, build and upload.

Unlike other CI/CD tools, debops-ci is designed to be stateless in order to run in ephemeral CI worker containers. Due to limitations around transactional file uploads, a pair of lockfiles are used, named .debrepos3.lock and .debrepos3.nolock

note If the github actions CI workflow for package build is restarted manually (that is, without git-pushing a new commit) debops-ci will refuse to overwrite the .deb package already present on S3. This is expected.

Package versioning

The CI workflows builds Debian packages with the following versioning scheme:


For example:


This format has the benefits of:

  • Providing a user-configured semantic versioning part.

  • Automatically inserting a pull request number. This prevents version conflicts in case the first component has not been updated when opening a new pull request.

  • Automatically inserting an incremental build number. This allows incremental deployments of commits on testbeds.

Once a package at a given version is uploaded the CI tool will refuse to overwrite it in future CI runs. This is meant to prevent changing the contents of published packages.

It is recommended to update the debian/changelog file in the first commit of each new pull request by adding a new semver number and a short changelog. This helps keeping track of what changes are being deployed on test, integration and production servers.

Sometimes multiple pull requests for the same package are open at the same time and are rebased or merged in an order that is different from the pull request number. In this case manually bumping up the semver number after each rebase is beneficial to ensure that the rollout is done incrementally.

For example:

  • Pull request 751 builds a package versioned 1.0.79~pr751-14. The package is deployed on the testbed.

  • Pull request 752, opened later, is rebased on top of 751 and builds a package versioned 1.0.80~pr752-51. The package is deployed on the testbed.

  • The need to reorder the two PRs arises. PR 751 is now rebased on top of 752. The changelog file is manually updated to version 1.0.81 The CI now generates 1.0.81~pr751-43 and the packa

See the subchapter on the The deployer toolβ€‰πŸ”§

Code documentation generation

The configuration lives at:


The workflow runs ./ to generate documentation from the Python files. It is a script that extracts MarkDown and AsciiDoc docstrings from the codebase in the backend repository. It also supports graphviz diagrams using It generates a set of HTML files that are published as GitHub pages as part of the CI workflow.

The outputs is lives at

At the time of writing it is superseded by the present document.


The configuration lives at:


It runs mypy to check Python typing and makes the CI run fail if errors are detected.

Fastpath test

The configuration lives at:


Runs the following unit and functional tests against the fastpath:


These are not end-to-end tests for the backend e.g. the API is not being tested.

The CI action creates a dedicated container and installs the required dependencies as Debian packages. It provides a code coverage report in HTML format.

API end-to-end test

The configuration lives at:


This CI action performs the most comprehensive test of the backed. In sequence:

important the presence of recent data makes the content of the fastpath database table non deterministic between CI runs. This is necessary to perform integration tests against API entry points that need fresh data. To prevent flaky CI runs write integration tests with to handle variable data. E.g. use broad thresholds like asserting that the number of measurements collected in a day is more than 1.

note prefer unit tests where possible

note To implement precise functional tests, mock out the database.