The following script can be used to compare the geolocation reported by
the probes submitting measurements compared to the geolocation of the
/24 subnet the probe is coming from. It is meant to be run on 🖥.
Test list prioritization monitoring
The following script monitors prioritized test list for changes in URLs
for a set of countries. Outputs StatsS metrics.
The prioritization system has been modified to work on a granularity of
probe_cc + probe_asn rather than whole countries.
Country-wise changes might be misleading. The script can be modified to
filter for a set of CCs+ASNs.
Recompressing postcans on S3
The following script can be used to compress .tar.gz files in the S3 data bucket.
It keeps a copy of the original files locally as a backup.
It terminates once a correctly compressed file is found.
Running the script on an AWS host close to the S3 bucket can significantly
speed up the process.
Tested with the packages:
python3-boto3 1.28.49+dfsg-1
python3-magic 2:0.4.27-2
Set the ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY environment variables.
Update the PREFIX variable as needed.