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OONI Data Pipeline design

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Design goals and requirements

The goal of the OONI Pipeline v5 is to overcome some of the limitation of the current data pipeline (v4 aka fastpath) empowering data analysts both internal to OONI, but also third-parties to perform in-depth analysis of measurement faster.

Below we will outline each of the main design goals and explain why they are needed.

Expose a queriable low level view on measurements

Currently it’s only possible to query measurement at a granularity which is as fine as a measurement.

This means that it’s only possible to answer questions which the original designer of the experiment had already thought of.

On the other hand the new pipeline breaks down measurements into distinct observations (think 1 DNS query and answer or 1 TLS handshake towards a particular IP:port tuple). By doing this kind of decomposition it’s possible to perform fast ad-hoc analysis (for example give me all the observations for a TLS handshake towards this particular IP) while doing research, but also be the starting point for building a more iterative approach to automatic analysis.

This also lends itself nicely to a more explorative way of looking at OONI data, which is not so dependent on the specifics of OONI nettests.

Finally, in doing so we are not so tied to the rigidity of existing OONI nettests, since several different nettests may end up having the same observation based layout, making it possible to analyse different nettests in the same way.

Reprocessing of data should be fast

Since we are unlikely to get the analysis and observation generation right on the first go and will likely want to iterate quickly on it, the system should be designed in such a way where it’s possible to reprocess all historical data fast.

Currently an important limiting factor to this is the data format in which data is stored in the s3 buckets, however the architecture of the system should be designed in such a way where the reprocessing capabilities can scale horizontally, allowing us to reprocess the data quickly if we need to.

This serves both the research efforts, since we don’t have to wait long to improve our analysis as we work on research, but also serves as disaster recovery measure, since we can rebuild the database from scratch directly from the raw data.

Analysis should be performed in the pipeline

Currently analysis is done in the probe and is trusted by the backend. This is problematic both because we have limited ability to redo analysis of all data once we have better methods, but it also leads to inconsistencies in analysis depending on probe version.

Once a new fingerprint is found we should be able to easily apply it to old data

This goes hand in hand with the reprocessing speed, however, while it’s relatively easy to reapply a DNS fingerprint to old data (we have the IP stored as a column), doing a full text search of the body, since we can’t possibly store them all in the DB tables, is more tricky.

For this reason we outline a method for doing this below that is specific to HTTP response bodies.

Third parties should be able to use it easily

It should be possible for third parties to run an instance of the data pipeline with minimal effort. This means that ideally it should not be reliant on proprietary cloud solutions or when that is the case, there should be an accessible alternative that a third party can use.

There should be clear instructions on how to set it up and get it running.

Architecture overview

The analysis engine is made up of several components:

  • Observation generation
  • Experiment result generation

As part of future work we might also perform:

  • Response body archiving

Below we explain each step of this process in detail

At a high level the pipeline looks like this:

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Observation generation

The goal of the Observation generation stage is to take raw OONI measurements as input data and produce as output observations.

An observation is a timestamped statement about some network condition that was observed by a particular vantage point. For example, an observation could be “the TLS handshake to with SNI equal to failed with a connection reset by peer error”.

What these observations mean for the target in question (e.g., is there blocking or is the target down?) is something that is to be determined when looking at data in aggregate and is the responsibility of the Verdict generation stage.

During this stage we are also going to enrich observations with metadata about IP addresses (using the IPInfoDB).

Each each measurement ends up producing observations that are all of the same type and are written to the same DB table.

This has the benefit that we don’t need to lookup the observations we care about in several disparate tables, but can do it all in the same one, which is incredibly fast.

A side effect is that we end up with tables are can be a bit sparse (several columns are NULL).

The tricky part, in the case of complex tests like web_connectivity, is to figure out which individual sub measurements fit into the same observation row. For example we would like to have the TCP connect result to appear in the same row as the DNS query that lead to it with the TLS handshake towards that IP, port combination.

ExperimentResult generation

An experiment result is the interpretation of one or more observations with a determination of whether the target is BLOCKED, DOWN or OK.

For each of these states a confidence indicator is given which is an estimate of the likelyhood of that result to be accurate.

For each of the 3 states, it’s possible also specify a blocking_detail, which gives more information as to why the block might be occurring.

It’s important to note that for a given measurement, multiple experiment results can be generated, because a target might be blocked in multiple ways or be OK in some regards, but not in orders.

This is best explained through a concrete example. Let’s say a censor is blocking with the following logic:

  • any DNS query for get’s as answer “”
  • any TCP connect request to gets a RST
  • any TLS handshake with SNI gets a RST

In this scenario, assuming the probe has discovered other IPs for through other means (ex. through the test helper or DoH as web_connectivity 0.5 does), we would like to emit the following experiment results:

  • BLOCKED, dns.bogon,
  • BLOCKED, tcp.rst,
  • BLOCKED, tcp.rst,
  • OK, tcp.ok,
  • OK, tcp.ok,
  • BLOCKED, tls.rst,
  • BLOCKED, tls.rst,

This way we are fully characterising the block in all the methods through which it is implemented.