OONI API Services
The API provides entry points used by the probes, Explorer Test List Editorβπ± and other UIs, and researchers.
Entry points under /api/v1/
are meant for public consumption and
versioned. Those under /api/_/
are for internal use.
The API is versioned. Access is rate limited based on source IP address and access tokens. See Rate limiting and quotasβπ for details.
due to the computational cost of running heavy queries on the database. The API entry points are documented at apidocs using flasgger. A swagger JSON specification is published at https://api.ooni.io/apispec_1.json
The file is also tracked at https://github.com/ooni/backend/blob/0ec9fba0eb9c4c440dcb7456f2aab529561104ae/api/docs/apispec.json It is checked for consistency by CI in the API end-to-end testβπ‘, see https://github.com/ooni/backend/blob/0ec9fba0eb9c4c440dcb7456f2aab529561104ae/.github/workflows/test_new_api.yml#L27
To regenerate the spec file when implementing changes to the API use: https://github.com/ooni/backend/blob/0ec9fba0eb9c4c440dcb7456f2aab529561104ae/api/tools/check_apispec_changes
Before diving into the API codebase itβs worth glancing at commonly used functions:
URL parameter parsing utilities at https://github.com/ooni/backend/blob/0ec9fba0eb9c4c440dcb7456f2aab529561104ae/api/ooniapi/urlparams.py
Caching functions cachedjson
and nocachejson
Various database access functions query_click
, insert_click
API routes are mounted at: https://github.com/ooni/backend/blob/0ec9fba0eb9c4c440dcb7456f2aab529561104ae/api/ooniapi/database.py#L73
Functions related to initialization of the service and configurating rate limiting: https://github.com/ooni/backend/blob/0ec9fba0eb9c4c440dcb7456f2aab529561104ae/api/ooniapi/app.py
note Caching can be a source of bugs: enabling or disabling it explicitly in the codebase (instead of relying on defaults in Nginx/HaProxy) improves readability.
important Various queries are designed to support active/standby or active/active database setups. See Overall designβπ‘ for details.
API cache
The API uses cacheing functions provided by Nginxββ.
Caching functions cachedjson
and nocachejson
are defined at
Autonomous System Number, described at
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_system_(Internet) It is
stored as probe_asn
in measurements, and as probe_asn
column in the
fastpath tableββ. Used as a search term in
Searching for measurements and Aggregation and MATβπ
The lookup system in the API is updated by the ASN metadata updaterββ. See ASN metadata updater dashboardβπ and ooni-update-asn-metadata timer.
The API and implements geolocation in order to identify the ASNβπ‘
This module implements browser authentication and user accounts. See Probe servicesβπ for probe authentication.
It is designed to fit the following requirements:
Never store users email address centrally nor IP addresses nor passwords
Verify email to limit spambots. Do not use CAPCHAs or other 3rd party services
Support multiple sessions and multiple devices, ability to register multiple times
Do not leak the existence of absence of accounts for a given email address
To register the UIs call https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api_v1_user_register using an email address and the user receives a temporary login link by email
Upon clicking on the link the UIs call https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api_v1_user_login and receive a long-lived JWT in a cookie
The UIs call any API entry point sending the JWT cookie
The UIs call https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api_v1_user_refresh_token as needed to refresh the JWT
The API als provides entry points to:
Get account metadata https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api___account_metadata
Get role for an existing account https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api_v1_get_account_role__email_address_
Set account roles https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api_v1_set_account_role
Expunge sessions (see below) https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api_v1_set_session_expunge
Browsers sessions can be expunged to require users to log in again. This can be used if an account role needs to be downgraded or terminated urgently.
important Account IDs are not the same across test and production instances.
This is due to the use of a configuration variable
in the hashing of the email address. The
parameter is read from the API configuration file. The values are
different across deployment stages as a security feature.
Also see Creating admin API accountsβπ for more details.
This module primarily provides entry points to access measurements, typically used by Explorer and sometimes directly by users.
Mounted under /api/v1/measurement/
Searching for measurements
The entry point https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api_v1_measurements provides measurement searching and listing.
It is primarily used by https://explorer.ooni.org/search
Getting measurement bodies
Various API entry points allow accessing measurement bodies. Typically
the lookup is done by measurement_uid
For legacy reasons measurements can also be accessed by report_id
instead of measurement_uid
important Accessing measurements by
does not guarantee uniqueness.
The lookup process can access measurement bodies from multiple locations. The lookup is performed in different order for different measurements based on the likelihood of success:
Scan the local spool directory
for fresh measurements -
Scan other API hosts (if any) for fresh measurements. This is required to support active/active backend deployments.
Lookup the measurement data in jsonl tableββ and then fetch the required JSONL filesβπ‘ from S3 data bucketβπ‘ and extract the content.
Performance considerations
Fetching data from the S3 data bucketβπ‘ bucket can be resource-intensive. However:
Very recent measurements are likely to be found in the local on-disk queue instead of having to fetch them from S3. See Measurement uploaderββ for details.
Frequently accessed measurements benefit from the API cacheβπ‘.
Measurement bodies are rarely accessed. The overall amount of measurements is too large for users to explore a significant fraction through the web UIs.
Possible improvements are:
Compress JSONL files using https://github.com/facebook/zstd with high compression rates
Use a seekable format and store the measurement location in the JSONL file in the jsonl tableββ expressed in bytes. See https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/contrib/seekable_format/README.md
Measurement feedback
This part of the API is used to collect and serve user feedback on measurements. It uses msmt_feedback tableββ and provides:
Getting feedback for an existing measurement https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api___measurement_feedback__measurement_uid_
Submitting new feedback https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api___measurement_feedback
All users can access feedbacks but only authenticated ones can submit their feedbacks.
Users can submit only one feedback for each measurement. When the submission entry point is called a second time for the same measurements the previous feedback is overwritten using database row deduplication.
Valid feedback statuses are:
Aggregation and MAT
The aggregation API leverages the OLAP features of ClickHouseββ to provide summaries and statistics on measurements. It is primarily used by the MAT. It can also be used to implement other statistics in Explorer or accessed directly by researchers to extract data.
important Caching of this entry point should be implemented carefully as new measurements are constantly being inserted and old measurements might be occasionally reprocessed.
Also see Aggregation cache monitoringβπ and Investigating heavy aggregation queries runbookβπ.
Probe services
This part of the API is implemented in the probe_services.py
It provides entry points that are meant to be used exclusively by
This entry point is the preferred way for probes to:
Geo-resolve their IP address to ASNβπ‘ and network name. See
Receive a list of URLs for Web connectivity testββ
Receive a list of test helpers
Set flags to implement incremental rollouts and A/B testing new features
See https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api_v1_check_in
Test lists are prioritized based on the country code and ASNβπ‘ of the probes, as well as flags indicating if the probe is connected to WiFi and the battery is being charged.
Tor targets
Tor targets are served: at path /api/v1/test-list/tor-targets
. See
They are read from a configuration file. The path is set in the main
configuration file under TOR_TARGETS_CONFFILE
. It usually is
To make changes in the Tor targets see the runbook Updating tor targetsβπ
Test helpers list
This entry point provides a list of test helpers to the probes: https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api_v1_test_helpers
important Test helpers addresses are served with a load-balancing algorithm. The amount requests per second they receive should be consistent across hosts, except for
is treated differently from other test helpers:
it receives less traffic to allow testing new releases with lower impact.
Miscellaneous probe configuration data
Various endpoints provide data to configure the probe:
Probe registration and login
Two entry points provide probe registration and login. The mechanism and the accounts are legacy and completely independent from Authβπ.
The workflows follow these steps:
A new probe registers and receives a
token using https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api_v1_register -
The token is stored permanently on the probe
The probe calls https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api_v1_login when needed and receives a temporary token
The probe calls check-in supplying the temporary token
On backend-fsn.ooni.orgβπ₯ the two entry points are currently being redirected to a different host implementing https://orchestrate.ooni.io/ while other backend hosts are exposing the endpoints in the API.
important The probe authentication implemented in the API is not backward compatible with credentials already generated by Orchestrate and stored by existing probes.
Measurement submission
The probe services module also provides entry points to submit measurements. The submission is done in steps:
The probe opens a new report at https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_report
The probe submit one or more measurements with one HTTP POST each at https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_report__report_id_
The probe optionally closes the report using https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_reportreport_idclose Closing reports is currently unnecessary.
Probe services also serve the robots.txt
file at
This is use to block or throttle search engines and other bots that in the past caused significant load on the API.
note some aggressive bots might ignore
. See Limiting scrapingβπ
Incident management (aka Findings)
The incident management module implements ways for users to create, update and list incidents.
Related: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TdMBWD45j3bx7GRMIriMvey72viQeKrx7Ad6DyboLwg/
Accounts with βadminβ role can perform the same actions as regolar users and additionally can publish, unpublish and delete incidents.
All the routes related to this module are mounted under
Search and list incidents: https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api_v1_incidents_search
Show an incident: https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api_v1_incidents_show__incident_id_
Create or update an incident: https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api_v1_incidents__action_ Search/list incidents with:
Filtering by domain/cc/asn/creator id/ and so on
Sort by creation/edit date, event date, and so on
Users can only update/delete incidents created by themselves. Admins can update/delete everything.
Incidents are stored in the incidents tableββ
See Sources
This module implements reactive prioritization for URLs in the test list served to the probes.
and /api/v1/test-list/urls
provide dynamic URL
tests lists for Web connectivity testββ based on the
CitizenLab URL list and the measurements count from the last 7 days.
The prio.py
module is used mainly by the Probe servicesβπ API
and secondarily by the private_api_check_in
method in the
Private entry pointsβπ.
For changing prioritization rules see Prioritization rules UI and Prioritization managementβπ
Ellipses represent data; rectangles represent processes. Purple components belong to the backend. Click on the image and then click on each shape to see related documentation.
In the diagram arrows show information flow.
The prioritization system implements a feedback mechanism to provide efficient coverage of URLs in Web connectivity testββ in ASNβπ‘ with low coverage.
Measurements from probes are received by the APIββ, sent to the Fastpathββ and then stored in the fastpath table. ClickHouseββ automatically updates the counters_asn_test_list tableββ in real time. See the link for details on the table contents.
Later on probes call API entry points like https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api_v1_check_in and receive new URLs (inputs) for Web connectivity testββ. The URLs are ordered according to the priorities set in the url_priorities tableββ and the amount of measurements gathered in the past days from probes in the same ASNβπ‘.
For debugging see https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api___debug_prioritization and Test list prioritization monitoringβπ
Priorities and weights
URLs have priorities based on the rules from the url_priorities tableββ.
Prioritization rules can be viewed and edited by accounts with admin
rights on https://test-lists.ooni.org/prioritization
The compute_priorities function calculates priority and weight for each supplied URL.
Priorities are calculated by matching all the prioritization rules to each URL in the citizenlab tableββ. They do not depend on the amount of past measurements.
Priorities values are relative, e.g. if one URL has a priority of 800 and another one has 200 the first should be measured 4 times more often than the latter.
The URLs sent to the probes are ordered from the most urgent to the
least urgent by calculating weights as priority / measurement count
This is done with a granularity of a single country code +
ASNβπ‘ pair.
Probes start performing Web connectivity testββ from the top of the list.
You can inspect generated priorities with the Priorities and weights notebookβπ or using the API at https://api.ooni.io/apidocs//default/get_api_v1_test_list_urls or https://api.ooni.io/apidocs//default/get_api___debug_prioritization e.g.:
$ curl -s 'https://api.ooni.io/api/v1/test-list/urls?country_code=IT&probe_asn=3269&debug=True' | jq -S | less
$ curl -s 'https://ams-pg-test.ooni.org/api/_/debug_prioritization?probe_cc=IT&probe_asn=3269&limit=9999' | jq -S | less
Private entry points
The private.py
module provides many entry points not meant for public
consumption. They are not versioned, mounted under /api/_
and used
exclusively by:
Test List Editorβπ±
Statistics and summaries, mainly for Explorer:
Misc functions:
ASNβπ‘ metadata https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api___asnmeta
Check uploaded reports https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api___check_report_id
For debugging: https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api___quotas_summary See Rate limiting and quotasβπ for details.
note There are other entry points under
that are not part of this module, e.g. OONI Runβπ
Rate limiting and quotas
The API is provided with rate limiting functions and traffic quotas to provide fair use and protect the database from overloading. It was initially implemented to protect PostgreSQL used in the past.
The rate limiting is based on multiple usages quotas with monthly,
weekly and daily limits. The limit are applied to /24
subnets where
HTTP connections are coming from by default, or with a token system for
authenticated accounts. Quotas are stored in
LMDB in order to track the values
consistently across API processes with minimal increase in CPU and I/O
Resource usage can vary widely between different API entry points and query parameters. In order to account resource consumption both in terms of CPU and disk I/O quotas are consumed based on the wallclock time taken to to process each API call. This means that i.e. an API call that takes 2 seconds consumes 20 times more quota than a call that takes 100 ms.
When any of the monthly, weekly and daily quotas are exceeded users receive HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests) until quotas are incremented again. Increments happen every hour.
Thereβs an API call to get a summary of used quotas: https://api.ooni.io/api/_/quotas_summary See Investigating heavy aggregation queries runbookβπ for usage examples.
Configuration for rate limiting is at: https://github.com/ooni/backend/blob/0ec9fba0eb9c4c440dcb7456f2aab529561104ae/api/ooniapi/app.py
This module implements management of OONI Run links.
All the routes related to this module are mounted under
List OONIRun descriptors https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api___ooni_run_list
Archive an OONIRun descriptor and all its past versions https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api*ooni_run_archiveooni_run_link_id*
Create a new oonirun link or a new version for an existing one https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api___ooni_run_create
Fetch OONIRun descriptor by creation time or the newest one https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api*ooni_run_fetchooni_run_link_id*
Specifications are published at: https://github.com/ooni/spec/blob/master/backends/bk-005-ooni-run-v2.md
OONI Run links can be updated by sending new translations and new
versions. Each entry is stored as a new database row. The creation entry
point detects if the new submission contains only translation changes.
In that case it only updates translation_creation_time
. Otherwise it
also updates descriptor_creation_time
. The two values are then used by
the probe to access either the latest translation for a given
, or the latest version overall.
The citizenlab.py
module contains entry points related to managing
both the CitizenLab Test Listβπ‘ and
Prioritization managementβπ.
This subchapter describes the first part.
The following entry points allow authenticated users to propose changes to the CitizenLab repository. It is a private API used by Test List Editorβπ±. The API manages an internal clone of the CitizenLab repository for each user that goes through the workflow.
Entry points:
Fetch Citizenlab URL list and additional metadata https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api___url_submission_test_list__country_code_
Create/update/delete a CitizenLab URL entry. Changes are stored in a temporary git repository in the API https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api_v1_url_submission_update_url
Submit changes by opening a pull request on the CitizenLab repository https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api_v1_url_submission_submit
The repository goes through the following state machine:
Loading graph...
Description of the states:
β - the local repository does not exist yet
CLEAN - the local repository has no changes and it is in sync with the CitizenLab public repository
IN_PROGRESS - there are some changes in the working tree but they have not been pushed to the public repositoryβs pull request branch
PR_OPEN - a pull request is open
Users can open a pull request and close it to make further changes. The βPR merged/rejectedβ edge in the state machine diagram the only transition that is not started by the user.
See CitizenLab test list updaterββ for a description of the data flow.
See Metrics listβπ‘ for application metrics.
Prioritization management
This part of the API is used by the OONI team to manage prioritization
rules for URLs used by Web connectivity testββ. It lives
in the citizenlab.py
The UI is at https://test-lists.ooni.org/prioritization and it is part
of the Test List Editorβπ±. It is available to accounts with
role only.
See Prioritizationβπ for the prioritization rules logic.
There are two entry points:
List URL priority rules https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/get_api___url_priorities_list
Add/update/delete an URL priority rule https://api.ooni.io/apidocs/#/default/post_api___url_priorities_update
The changes are immediately applied to the url_priorities table and used by Prioritizationβπ.